Thomas A. DuBois

Halls-Bascom Professor of Scandinavian Studies, Folklore, and Religious Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Department of German Nordic and Slavic

832 Van Hise Hall

1220 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706

Blog: here.

Full CV available here.



I teach courses in Nordic Studies, Folklore Studies, and Religious Studies in the Department of German Nordic and Slavic+. I am a big believer in academic service, particularly in what we at the UW call the "Wisconsin Idea," i.e. the active engagement of the university with its surrounding constituencies. I make it a goal to bring academic scholars into productive dialogue with members of the broader public, helping contribute to the intellectual and cultural life of our society.

I teach a variety of courses in the areas of Nordic and American folklore and religious studies. Scroll down to the end of my CV and you will find a listing of my recent courses. I also regularly teach round tables for the Bradley Learning Community, a residential living community for first-year students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I received a Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Award in 2017.

Particularly with graduate students and advanced undergraduates, I like to follow a "learning with" rather than a "learning from" approach: i.e., I look for ways that we can collaborate on a research project, producing something in which we share tasks, insights, and responsibilities. You can find examples of research products that have resulted from such collaborations in my CV below.



"The Sámi People of the North" (2015)


UWMadison College of Letters and Science magazine for spring 2020 features an article by Katie Vaughn entitled "True North" discussing Tom's work as a consultant for Disney's Frozen II .

Frozen II characters in wagon

The article about Tom appears on pp. 22-27.



As a folklorist, I teach and research on a range of topics having to do with the way people think about and use the idea of tradition in their lives. Most of my research focuses on Nordic cultures, especially Finnish and Sámi, although I am also interested in the relations of Nordic peoples with populations and ideas coming from elsewhere, including the Celtic world. My recent research and service has also included work on the repatriation of traditions among Wisconsin Ojibwe people, particularly at the Lac du Flambeau reservation.

Some of my research is available in open access format at



Sami Media and Indigenous Agency book cover

co-authored with Coppélie Cocq. Sámi Media and Indigenous Agency in the Arctic North. New Directions in Scandinavian Studies, Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2020.

Songs of the Finnish Migration book cover

co-edited with B. Marcus Cederström. Songs of the Finnish Migration: A Bilingual Anthology, based on the anthology Reisaavaisen Laulu Amerikkaan, edited by Simo Westerholm. Kaustinen and Madison: Kansanmusiikki-instituutti and the University of Wisconsin Press, Fall 2019.

Cover photo, Sacred to the Touch

Sacred to the Touch: Nordic and Baltic Religious Wood Carving. New Directions in Scandinavian Studies. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2017.

Cover photo, Nordic Literature

Co-edited with Steven P. Sondrup, Mark Sandberg, and Dan Ringgaard. Nordic Literature: A Comparative History. Volume 1. Spatial Nodes Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2017.

Cover photo, The Nordic Storyteller: Essays in Honour of Niels Ingwersen

Co-edited with Susan Brantly. The Nordic Storyteller: Essays in Honour of Niels Ingwersen. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2009.

Cover photo, An Introduction to Shamanism

An Introduction to Shamanism. Introduction to Religion. Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Cover photo, Sanctity in the North: Saints, Lives and Cults in Medieval Scandinavia

Edited. Sanctity in the North: Saints, Lives, and Cults in Medieval Scandinavia. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007.

Cover photo, Lyric, Meaning, and Audience in the Oral Tradition of Northern EuropeLyric, Meaning and Audience in the Oral Tradition of Northern Europe. Notre Dame: Notre Dame University Press, 2006.




Cover photo, An Account of the Sami

Translated. Johan Turi. An Account of the Sámi. Chicago: Nordic Studies Press, 2011.

An Account of the Sami

Johan Turi—An Account of the Sámi. A Translation of Muitalus Sámiid birra, Based on the Sámi Original. Karasjok: ČáliidLágádus. (with authored afterword).

Johan Turi—Travel Accounts and Other Accounts. Translated by Thomas A. DuBois. Edited by Mikael Svonni. Translator's Preface.
Rávttas, Giron/Kiruna: Ravda Lágádus.

Myths, Tales and Poetry coverMyths, Tales and Poetry from Four Centuries of Sámi Literature. An Anthology edited by Harald Gaski.Translated by Thomas A. DuBois and others. Karasjok: ČálliidLágádus, 2020.



Articles and chapters since 2000

Full CV available here.


(with B. Marcus Cederström) “Songs of the Finnish Migration: Amplification and Revitalization” in Culture Work: Folklore for the Public Good. Ed. Tim Frandy and B. Marcus Cederström.  Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2022. Pp. 145-153. 

“In Hand and Underfoot: Reading Medieval Wooden Sculptures”  In Sainthood, Scriptoria and Secular Erudition of Medieval and Early Modern Scandinavia. Edited Dario Bullitta and Natalie Van Deusen. Series Acta Scandinavica. Turnhout: Brepols, 2022. Pp. 45-64, figures pp. 11-14. 

“Lessons in Magic: Making Use of Early Twentieth-Century Accounts of Magical Procedures in the Folklore Classroom” In Myth, Magic, and Memory in Early Scandinavian Narrative Culture. Acta Scandinavica 11. Ed. Jürg Glauser and Pernille Hermann.  Turnhout: Brepols, 2021. Pp. 201-216. 

“‘To Surf through the Shared Riches of the Story Hoard’: The oAgora of the Sigurðr Story” In John Miles Foley’s World of Oralities. Text, Tradition, and Contemporary Oral Theory.  Ed. Mark Amodio. Leeds:  Arc Humanities Press, 2020.  Pp. 155-176. Open access link:

“Encounters: Baltic” “Encounters: Sámi ” “Encounters: Balto-Finnic” articles in The Pre-Christian Religions of the North: History and Structures, Volume I: Basic Premises and Consideration of Sources.  Ed. Jens Peter Schjødt, John Lindow, Anders Andrén. Brepols, 2020. ISBN: 978-2-503-57489-9.  Pp. 341-352, 353-372, 373-390.


“Recalling—Reconstituting—Migration: Sámi Americans and the Immigrant Experience”  in Transnational Finnish Mobilities: Proceedings of FinnForum XI. Ed. Johanna Leinonen and Auvo Kostiainen. Turku: Finnish Migration Institute, 2019. Pp. 53-74. upload: HERE

For an open access pdf copy of the entire volume click HERE

“The Migration of a Building: Representation, Replication, and Repatriation of an Emblem of Norwegian, Norwegian American, and Norwegian-American-Norwegian Identity”  Scandinavian Studies 90/3 (2018): 331-349.


(with Ruth Olson, B. Marcus Cederström, James Mathews, David Gagnon). 2018. “Siftr: A Tool for the Folklore Classroom”  Journal of Folklore and Education  Special Issue: “Common Ground: People and Our Places”  5/1 (2018): 13-29.

“Seeing Snow: A Siftr Challenge Aimed at Transforming Student Perceptions of the Winter Environment and Indigenous Traditional Knowledge”

Journal of Sustainability Education March 2018.


"The Mythic Sun: An Areal Perspective" Old Norse Mythology in Comparative Perspective. Edited by Pernille Hermann, Stephen A. Mitchell, Jens Peter Schødt, with Amber Rose. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2017. Pp. 191-222.

(with Tim Frandy) "Wiigiwaamikewin: Making a Winter Lodge for an Ojibwe Past and Future." Poster presented at the SIEF 2017 13th Congress, Göttingen, Germany, 26-30 March 2017.

"Performance, Texts, and Contexts: Olaus Sirma, Johan Turi, and the Dilemma of Reifying a Context-Dependent Oral Tradition" Forthcoming, volume edited by David Elmer. E-published January 2017.

(with B. Marcus Cederström, Tim Frandy, and Colin Gioia Connors) “Heritage Repatriation and Educational Sovereignty at an Ojibwe Public School” Journal of Folklore and Education 3 (2016): 31-41.

“Underneath the Self-Same Sky: Comparative Perspectives on Sámi, Finnish, and Medieval Scandinavian Astral Lore”  Nordic Mythologies: Interpretations, Intersections and Institutions. Edited by Timothy Tangherlini. Berkeley: North Pinehurst Press.  2014.

“Anatomy of the Elite: ‘Learned’ vs. ‘Folk’ in the Analysis of Avowedly Pre-Christian Religious Elements in the Sagas.”  Folklore in Old Norse, Old Norse in Folklore. Edited by Daniel Sävborg and Karen Bek-Pedersen. Nordistica Tartuensia no. 20. Tartu: University of Tartu Press, 2014.  Pp. 59—82.

“Borg Mesch: The Role of a Culture Broker in Picturing the North”  Journal of Northern Studies 8/2 (2014): 45—70. "Editing Johan Turi: Making Turi's Muitalus Make Sense" Western Folklore 72/3/4, 2013. Pp. 272—93.

(co-authored with Jonathan Lang) “Johan Turi’s Animal, Mineral, Vegetable Cures and Healing Practices: An In-depth Analysis of Sami (Saami) Folk Healing One Hundred Years Ago” Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine. August 2013.

“Ethnomemory: Ethnographic and Culture-Centered Approaches to the Study of Memory” Scandinavian Studies 85/3 (2013): 306—331.

“Trois hommes, chez les Sames: le voyage partagé de Frank Butler, Johan Turi et Borg Mesch en 1913 et 1914”  l’Image du Sápmi 2. Ed.Kajsa Andersson, Örebro University.  Humanistica Oerebroensia, 2013.  Pp. 238—57.

“Lars Levi Sunna: Crafting a Sámi Presence in the Swedish State Church” Temenos 48/2 (2012): 131—54.

“Johan Turin Duoddaris” Kalevalaseuran vuosikirja.91 (2012): 93—109.

“Diet and Deities: Contrastive Livelihoods and Animal Symbolism in Nordic Pre-Christian Religions”  More Than Mythology: Narratives, Ritual Practices, and Regional Distribution in Pre-Christian Scandinavian Religions  Ed. Catharina Raudvere and Jens Peter Schjødt.  Lund: Nordic Academic Press. 2012. Pp. 65-96.

“Our Lady’s Maid in Nordic Contexts” News from Other Worlds: Studies in Nordic Folklore, Mythology, and Culture.  Ed. Merrill Kaplan and Timothy R. Tangherlini. Berkeley and Los Angeles: North Pinehurst Press, 2012. Pp. 197-234.

“The Linguistics and Stylistics of Orality.” In Medieval Oral Literature.  Ed. Karl Reichl. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2012. Pp. 203-224.

“’The Same Nature as the Reindeer’: Johan Turi’s Potrayal of Sámi Knowledge” Scandinavian Studies 83/4 (Winter 2011):  519-44.

“Juxtaposing Cogadh Gáedel re Gallaib with Orkneyinga saga”  Oral Tradition 26/2 (2011).

“Trends in Contemporary Research on Shamanism”  Numen 58 (2011): 100-128.

“Varieties of Medical Treatment and Hierarchies of Resort in Johan Turi’s Sámi deavsttat” Journal of Northern Studies. 1 (2010): 9-44.

“Poem 30: The Pivotal Canto in which Very Little Happens” Journal of Finnish Studies 13/2 (2009): 5-16.

"Frithiof's Motley Cousins: On the Perils of Using Folklore to Create a National Epic" In The Nordic Storyteller: Essays in Honour of Niels Ingwersen. Ed. Thomas A. DuBois and Susan Brantly. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009. Pp. 178-210.

“Un chanteur devenu poète: Sirma Ovllá et le début de la littérature samie” In L’Image du Sápmi.   Ed. Kajsa Andersson. Humanistica Oerebroensia.  Artes et linguae nr. 15.  Örebro: Humanistic Studies at Örebro University, 2009.  Pp. 306-19.

 “Kaksikymmentä ja yksi Thirty Years Later: Paavo Haavikko’s Kalevala Rewrite and the Epic Genre.” In One and Twenty, Paavo Haavikko.  Beaverton ON: Aspasia Books, 2007.

“Taking Place. Place in the Construction of History in Nordic Literature”  in The Angel of History: Literature, History and Culture.  Ed. Vesa Haapala, Hannamari Helander, Anna Hollsten, Pirjo Lyytikäinen and Rita Paqvalén.  Helsinki: Department of Finnish Language and Literature, 2009. Pp. 83-101.

“Rituals, Witnesses, and Sagas” In Old Norse Religion in Long-Term Perspective: Origins, Changes and Interactions. Ed. Anders Andrén, Kristina Jennbert, and Catharina Raudvere. Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 2006. Pp. 74-78.

 “’I’m a Lumberjack and I’m Okay...’: Popular Film as Collective Therapy in Markku Pölönen’s Kungingasjätkä (1998)” In  Transnational Cinema in a Global North: Nordic Cinema in Transition.  Ed. Andrew Nestingen and Trevor G. Elkington.  Detroit: Wayne State UP, 2005.  Pp. 243-260.

“Writing of Women, Not Nations: The Development of a Feminist Agenda in the Novellas of Aino Kallas.”  Scandinavian Studies 76/2 (2004): 205-32.

“The Little Song-Smith: A Printed Folksong Anthology and Its Reception among Ingrian Peasants, 1849-1900” In Folk Song: Tradition, Revival, and Re-Creation.  Ed. Ian Russell and David Atkinson.  Aberdeen: The Elphinstone Institute, University of Aberdeen, 2004.  Pp. 41-52.

“A History Seen: The Uses of Illumination in Flateyjarbók.”  Journal of English and Germanic Philology 103(1) (2004):1-52.

“With an End in Sight: Sympathetic Portrayals of ‘Vanishing’ Sámi Life in the Works of Karl Nickul and Andreas Alariesto.” Scandinavian Studies, 75/2 (2003): 181-200.

“Dynamics and Continuities of Tradition—What a Finnish Epic Song Can Teach Us About Two Old Norse Poems” In Dynamics of Tradition: Perspectives on Oral Poetry and Folk Belief. Ed. Lotte Tarkka.  Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 2003.  Pp. 233-247.

“Interpreting Lyric Meaning in Irish Tradition: Love and Death in the Shadow of Tralee” Oral Tradition 17 no. 1 (2002): 87-107.

“Narrative Expectations and the Sampo Song.”  Scandinavian Studies 73 no. 3 (2001): 457-474. Reprinted in Epics for Students.  2nd Ed., Vol.2.  Ed. Sara Constantakis.   Gale Group/Cengage Learning.

“Narrators in Two Epics: The Narrator’s Voice in Kalevala  and Kalevipoeg”  Oral Tradition 15 no. 1 (March 2000): 126-144.

“‘That Strain Again!’, or, Twelfth Night, a Folkloristic Approach”  Arv  56 (2000): 35-56.

“Folklore, Boundaries and Audience in The Pathfinder.”  In Sami Folkloristics.  Ed. Juha Pentikäinen.  Turku: NIF, 2000.  Pp. 255-274.
